wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
wide range of certified
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Lab Grown Diamonds
in standards shapes and clarity
Ethereal Green Diamond is the manufacturer and global supplier of the finest quality of lab-grown diamonds headquartered in India. Using high tech machinery, our master craftsmen work efficiently to make sure that our lab-grown diamonds are cultivated with utmost care, safety and precision.
Ethereal has a State of Art Factory where we have mastered the process of giving birth to diamonds that look, feel and shine just like their counterpart.
Know MoreOne of the Pioneer Lab Gown Diamond producer
Explore variety
of exclusive CUTs
of exclusive CUTs

The round brilliant cut is the most popular diamond shape, accounting for more than half of all diamonds sold today.

The Princess cut is the square version of the brilliant round cut usually comprised of either 57 or 76 facets.

Oval diamonds have the added advantage of an elongated shape, which can create the illusion of greater size. The slender shape can also make the finger of the wearer appear longer and slimmer.

The football-shaped Marquise Cut diamonds are a modified version of the round-cut. When light passes through the diamond casts, it casts a shadow across the central facets of the stone.

Baguette / Tapper
Baguettes are perfectly rectangular diamonds with both sides being perpendicular to each other.Tapered baguette diamonds are narrower on one end creating a trapezoidal shape.

The Trillion cut is a triangular shape consisting of three equal sides and 31 or 50 facets depending on whether the diamonds are used as solitaires or accent stones.

The cushion cut may be described as a cross between the old mine cut and modern oval shape. Several variations of the cushion cut have been developed, which may have extra row of facets.

The emerald cut is a rectangular shape with truncated corners and a broad and flat plane that resembles stair steps when viewed from above.

We can make any shape diamond as per requirements of the person’s need.
1A plate contttains 3-5 diamond seeds which are placed in diamond growth chamber.
2A mixture of various gases are introduced in the chambers under controlled environment.
3Desired temparture and pressure is maintain till the process cycle time.
4Gases stick to the seed. The diamond grows atom by atom by 3-4 weeks.
5To obtain high quality diamond the process is being monitor through complete automated system.
6Plate of rough diamond is formed which is taken in to the next cutting and polishing section.
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